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[日期:2022-11-30] 作者:德育处 李雪白 次浏览 [字体: ]





1.  学生能听懂,会说并会读以下单词:year, Chinese, Chinese New Year,present, dumpling, firecrackes

2.     学生能听懂,会读并灵活运用以下句子:What do you do at Chinese New Year ?We ... at Chinese New Year.


1.  练习多音节单词的发音及长句子的听、读、说。

2.  能理解故事。

3.  能听懂,会说并运用所学句型谈论中国传统新年Chinese New Year




1.多音节单词dumpling,firecracker的发音及长句子如We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year.We have firecrackers at Chinese New Year.等的听,读和运用。

2. 通过小组探究合作运用句型: We eat...We do...自主描述春节活动。

3. 单词的准确发音以及对句型的完整运用。










双中实验校附小 二年级(2)班




Step 1 Warm up

1.     Greeting

2.     Introduce evaluation mechanism.

Step 2 Lead in

1. Listen and guess

A.   What’s that sound?

B.   What festival is it?

2. Sing a song & find : What’s the song about?

3.     Introduce the title.

4.     Introduce the background:

T: Chinese New Year is coming. Happy New Year! B&G

Ss:Happy New Year!

(Teach “ Happy New Year!”;

Practice in groups & in roles.)

Step 3 New lesson learning

1.     Listen and watch :Who is coming?

2.     Introduce the background.

T: Sam and his family are coming.Today is Chinese New Year. Sam and his family go to China. They go to Daming’s home.They will have Chinese New Year together.Let’s join them,ok?

3.     Look and guess,then listen and check & repeat.

T:Today is Chinese New Year,guess what do they say at Chinese New Year?

Ss:Happy New Year!

T:Daming is so happy and hospitable.Listen what does he say?

S1:Happy New Year!Come in please.(read together)

T:Look at Sam,what’s in his hand? (show mine at the same time)

S2:It’s a box/gift/present box. (Listen what does he say?)

Ss:A present for you. (read together & teach present)

T:Today is Chinese New Year,I have some presents for you.

(Give 2 Ss a present,let them say Than you,give them evaluation You’re so polite!;Invite some ss to give presents to their best friends or run a train and practise A present for you.)

T:Daming is also a polite boy.So he says...

Ss: Thank you.

T:Now let’s see what happened then.

4.     Look and say,listen and check

T:Sam points to something on the table.He’s so confused.Guess or listen what does he say?

S1:What are these?

T:What are these? (show real dumplings to them)

S2: These are dumplings. (Listen & check)

T: I s he right? Good boy! Big hands for him.

(Teach dumpling --- dumplings, 1-2 little teachers )

T:So do you eat dumplings at Chinese New Year?

Ss:Yes,we do.

T:Listen what does Daming say?

S2:We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year.(check & give him a real dumpling) (Teach eat dumplings,we eat ...at CNY)

T: So what do we eat at Chinese New Year? (Give 3-4 ss real dumplings and let them say we eat...at CNY.)

T:I like dumplings.(Ask those who ate dumplings)Do you like dumplings?

Ss:Yes,I do. I like dumplings.

T:So does Sam like dumplings?

Ss:Yes,he does.

T:What does Sam say?

Ss:I like dumplings.

T:Do they like dumplings?

Ss:Yes,they do.

T:So we can say dumplings are very delicious and yummy!Right?

5.     Think and say

T:I have a question,what else do you eat at Chinese New Year?

Ss:Fish.Chicken.Hot pot.Sweet dumplings...(6 ss)

T:We eat so many yummy food at Chinese New Year.We have a big family dinner.

6.     Watch and say

TAfter dinner,what happened? Let’s go on.Look,why is Daming laughing/so happy?Let’s watch the video and find the answers.

T:What’s that on the ground?I don’t know.Look,are these for my hand? Are these for my clothes?Are these for my shoes?

Ss:No. (Guide them to answer No,they’re not.)

T:Amy is not a Chinese.She doesn’t know this red one,either.What does she think?Let’s listen.

Ss:Are these for my hair? (read hair twice)

T:Are these for her hair?

Ss:No./No,they’re not.

T:But do you know what they are?(listen to the sound)

S1:They’re firecrackers. Let’s check.Good girl!Big hands!

(Teach fire--cracker--firecrackers,run a train)

T:They’re firecrackers.

7.     Look and say.

T:Look,why are they so happy?What do they do at Chinese New Year?

S2:Firecrackers. (Good try!)

T:Daming’s father may give us the answer.Let’s listen.

S2:They/we have firecrackers at Chinese New Year!

T:You have a smart ear!Two presents for your team.

(Teach have-firecrackers,so what do we do at Chinese New Year?)Do you want to play with them?Now let’s join them and say Happy New Year!

Step 4 Point and read.(P56-57)

Step 5 Knowledge expansion.

T:You know we have firecrackers at Chinese New Year. What else do you do at Chinese New Year?  (3ss)If you don’t know ,now here is a video for you.

T:So what do we do at Chinese New Year? (3ss)

T:Although there are so many activities we can do at Chinese New Year.But the most thing is to go home and accompany our family to get a family reunion.That’s the meaning of Chinese New Year.

Step 6 Group work.

Make your own poster about your Chinese New Year.

1.     Watch the video from their foreign teacher Yui.Listen toYui’s New Year’s day in China.

2.     Make a poster and give a reply to Yui.

Step 7 Homework.












