
[日期:2020-04-21] 作者:外语组 次浏览 [字体: ]



    Section A

    I. 根据括号中的汉语提示写单词,完成句子。

1. I didn’t go to school yesterday, because I had a bad ______(感冒).

2. My _____(背部) is a little sore.

3. Please open your ________().

4. There is a ring around the dog’s ________(脖子).

5. I need to ______(休息) for an hour.

6. My father went to Shanghai three days ______(以前).


    II. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. My little son has eight _______ (tooth).

2. Good living habits can keep you away from many _____(ill).

3. My pen pal gave me some good ______(advice) on studying English.

4. This animal’s ______(foot) are so small.

5. You shouldn’t ______(watch) TV for too long. It is not good for your _____(eye).


    III. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

    1. 请站起来,不要躺下。

Please stand up and don’t _____ ____.

2. 那听起来是个不错的主意。

That ____ ____ a good idea.

3. 她妈妈要她上床睡觉。

Her mother asks her to ______  _______ ______.

4. 我希望你很快好起来。

I hope you _______ ______  ______.

5. 他每天都喝很多水。

He drinks ______ ______ water every day.

6. 当你胃痛的时候,你不应该吃任何东西。

When you _____ _____ _____, you ______ eat anything.


    IV. 从方框中选择与各句相对应的答语。

( )1. What’s the matter with him?

( )2. Do you have a fever?

( )3. I have a toothache.

( )4. When did it start raining?

( )5. You shouldn’t drink so much coffee.


A. You should see a dentist.

B. I think you are right.

C. He has a headache.

D. No, I don’t.

E. At 9 o’clock.